From Tragic to Triumphant: Let it Roll
This has been a week. Not only did I learn what almond flour will NOT do, but I created a new take on Molly Baz’s "Pastrami Roast Chicken"- Roast Chicken in a Burnt Onion Nest. The best thing I made over this 7-day stretch has been eggs (see recipe below). I also read 2 great books- The Midnight Library (Haig, Matt) & The Stationery Shop (Kamali, Marjan), successfully created and baked Apple Rose Puffs and left a full cart inside JoAnn Fabrics to hustle out a child in full meltdown and find a third coffee.

Apple Rose Puffs- my take along dish for Thanksgiving brunch.
I’m entertaining tonight- an activity I’ve slowly come to roll with and enjoy. It used to be that my husband did the cooking and I poured the wine, but now that we’ve both gone dry and he works until our kids go to bed- I’ve bravely donned the apron and even come home from my mom’s ahead of when our company arrives. (Last time she sent me home with a frozen pizza).
Quick-Whip Omelette
-sweet onion
-red bell pepper
-leftover Thanksgiving ham
-shredded parmesan
Directions: Chop half an onion and set it in a hot pan with butter until it makes "jazz hands". Add chopped red bell pepper and stir. Add ham and inhale! Once the ham has been stirred in, spread out the contents and pour 3 or 4 whipped eggs over. As eggs cook, add sprinkles of shredded parmesan cheese. Serve warm!
But hearkening back to that trope Cooking is Caring... I’m excited to prepare a recipe from What’s Gaby Cooking- out of the chapter that most appeals to my sensibilities- “It’s 6 o’ clock and I’m Starving”. The newlyweds in our family will enjoy Lazy Girl Enchiladas- I’m currently in the euphoria of texting more relatives to join. (The panic only sets in as I’m wiping up toddler poop in tandem with cheerful knocking).

In my version of this recipe, I double the call for cilantro. ;)
If you’re going to entertain at all, you’ve got to let some things roll. Keep your sense of humor. And just enjoy the people you love.
And on that note: Here are some photos from the Blooper Reel.

Jumbo Fail Blueberry Muffins w Almond Flour.
Can't resist adding a line from my Grandpa Jack, who would declare, This will be perfect over ice cream.

Redemption Round Blueberry Muffin w Almond Flour... cups?
My husband did end up chiseling off pieces of this disaster to make a cereal we have yet to name. (I will only post his food critiques from now on!)
Happy Baking and Stirring! And may your holidays be merry. Also may you add egg to your almond flour.
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